

How do we earn from such noble, great saints that they [the Jews] are so hostile to us? (…) We do not curse them, but wish them all the best, physically and spiritually, accommodate them with us, let them eat and drink with us. We do not steal or pound their children, we do not poison their water. We do not thirst for their blood. How do we earn such cruel anger, envy and hatred of such great holy children of God.


On the Jews and their Lies, first edition Wittenberg 1543, 92.

Author Bio:

Germany, Martin Luther (1483-1546) Martin Luther is considered a radical reformer of the medieval Protestant church. His posting of the 95 theses on the castle church in Wittenberg, in which he questioned the infallibility of Catholic authority, led to the division of the church. Luther's theologically based anti-Judaism branded the Jews as the worst enemies of Christianity who necessarily incurred God's wrath. Parts of his resentment were reactivated in the modern anti-Semitism of the 19th and 20th centuries.


Further Reading:
