“That’s how I felt too, except that you can’t show it to the outside world. They can’t make their pain and the reason for this pain, that it was forced sterilization, clear to the outside world. Because there is such a stigma attached to being forcibly sterilized as inferior, to being labeled as inferior for life. That’s an incredible thing. Just imagine if that were you!”

“The doctor immediately recognized that the man was suffering from terminal syphilis. He prescribed him penicillin – and got into terrible trouble with the disease control authorities. He was accused of treating someone who was not allowed to be treated. No wonder, he knew nothing about the study.”

“German science should not be left behind in the all-round fight against sleeping sickness (a Portuguese mission has also been active for several years). The combined efforts of English, French, Portuguese and German doctors will hopefully succeed in mastering this murderous epidemic, which also seriously threatens our colonies.”

“The third said that the Jews had poisoned all the wells and were killing Christians [wollten]; and bags of poison were found in many wells, and [deshalb] countless numbers of them were killed on the Rhine, in Franconia and in all German lands. Truly, whether some Jews did that, I don’t know. […] However, I know very well that there were more Jews in Vienna than in any other city I know of in Germany, and that they died there (…) in large numbers (…)”

“Before this virus, humanity was already threatened with asphyxiation. If there must be war, it cannot be so much against a particular virus, but against everything that […] in the long reign of capitalism has forced whole populations of the world […] to a heavy, gasping breath and a life of oppression.
Overcoming this limitation would mean going beyond the purely biological aspect of breathing […] as the [erfassen] thing we have in common […]. By that I mean the universal right to breathe.”

“Current epidemiologic evidence identifies several groups in the United States with an increased risk of developing AIDS (3-7). Most cases have been reported among homosexual men with multiple sexual partners, intravenous drug abusers and Haitians, especially those who have arrived in the country in recent years.”

“In our struggle for much-needed vaccines, South Africa has been forced to spend unimaginable sums on overpriced doses of vaccine. We were forced into contracts on unfair and undemocratic terms that were completely one-sided.”

The psychological characteristics of Americans exhibit traits that would be accessible to psychoanalysis, as they point to a strong sexual repression. The reasons for the displacement are to be found in the specifically American complex, namely living together with the lower classes. Breedsin particular the N*****. Living together with the barbarian races  has a suggestive effect on the laboriously subjugated instincts of the white race and pulls them down. Strong defenses are therefore necessary, which manifest themselves in the special aspects of American culture […]”

“My mother was often denied pain or not taken seriously. She was given the wrong medication during a hospital stay due to liver disease. Against her will and although she pointed this out several times. The side effects were very drastic, she lost a lot of weight, could no longer eat and had hardly any energy. Nevertheless, she was always told that she was exaggerating and that the treatment was the right one. Up to the point where her life was in real danger …”

“The colonial economy should make the n***arms subservient to itself, hygiene should keep them strong and increase their numbers. […] Let us stay with East Africa and assume that sleeping sickness has only claimed or will only claim 10,000 lives until our fight against it is victorious.”

You have to be amazed, outraged and infected, that’s the only way to change reality. What improves healing is the affective contact between one person and another. What heals is joy, what heals is the absence of prejudice.”

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