A new confrontation with international Judaism is imminent. We should be prepared for it

After my school was closed by the Nazis, my mother arranged that I could work as a trainee in Dr Helmy’s illegal practice on Krehfelder Strasse, so that I could later become a nurse.

I had to give up my habitualiation and I was forced to leave the hospital because my contract ended and they didn’t want to renew it. I was not employed at any other hospital.

May 8th has to be a public holiday! (…) The attacks in Halle, in Hanau (…) are very painful. We need to remember more, not less. Make different experiences visible. The colonial legacy of the German Reich, as well as the theming of police violence. Within the Black Lifes Matters movement, the post-migrant society, those affected demand not only visibility in the present, but also for the past.

The idea of a good and normalized Germany is opposed to a reality in which people still have to fear that the police will pass on their addresses to Nazis, that weapons are hoarded and that explosives will simply disappear from the stocks of the Bundeswehr. And the anticipation of gratitude for the (not only) Jewish reconciliation obscures the fact that the German history of violence is not over because one side wants it to be. But that it continues to create life-threatening realities in new formations and perpetuate injustice. In the face of this situation, the equation of memory and reconciliation must be called for what it is: an expression of the needs of a section of this society which is ashamed of its actions and wishes this unpleasant story to be resolved very soon. The hope contained therein for normalization from the national anthem to home is part of this wishful thinking. That may be understandable, it may also be politically opportune – but it does not apply to all people who live in this country. And who are heartbroken about what has been done to them and their families. And it will stay that way.

It seems that the Germans will never forgive us for Auschwitz

Death is a master from Germany, his eye is blue he hits you with a leaden bullet he hits you exactly a man lives in the house of your golden hair Margarete he incites his males on us he gives us a grave in the air he plays with the snakes and dreams of death is a master Germany your golden hair Margarete your ashen hair Sulamith

Diversity in all its forms is first and foremost a reality, a general condition. It is an opportunity to enable encounters and learning experiences. It is a means and not an obstacle to unity. It is a treasure for humanity as it is part of the intangible heritage. Identity is a fundamental part of the individual. It is not monolithic, but can be multiple. It brings together different realities: religious, national, cultural, linguistic and others. We see our identities as inclusive: as sources of fulfillment and rootedness that enable us to open up to others and to get to know their identities.

Wherever Christ murderers gather, the cross is mocked, God is blasphemed, the Father is not recognized, the Son is offended and the Holy Spirit is rejected. If the rites of the Jews are so sacred and venerable, then our way of life must be wrong. But if we go the right way, as is the case, then they go a deceptive way.

How do we earn from such noble, great saints that they [the Jews] are so hostile to us? (…) We do not curse them, but wish them all the best, physically and spiritually, accommodate them with us, let them eat and drink with us. We do not steal or pound their children, we do not poison their water. We do not thirst for their blood. How do we earn such cruel anger, envy and hatred of such great holy children of God.

The international Jewish banker, who has no fatherland, but plays all countries off against each other, and the international Jewish proletariat, who wanders from country to country to seek economic conditions that are convenient for them, are to be found behind all the problems that the world faces today worry. The immigration issue is Jewish. Likewise the question of money. The same goes for the confusions of world politics. The terms of the peace treaty are Jewish. It is the question of morality in cinemas and on stage.

In all peoples in which Jews lived as tolerated or still live today, they turned out to be disruptors of inner peace and thus destroyers of national communities that had become natural. The Old Testament of the Bible, which the Jews claim contains their story, is at the same time the story of peoples who were materially and spiritually ruined by the Jews. However, the Jew has not shown himself to be the only disruptor of natural development in peoples. He is also the destroyer of peace among the peoples.

One suspects that this disgrace is directed against the capital and Germany, which is newly formed in Berlin. However, no matter how much the muscles swell, one will not dare to keep the center of Berlin free from such a monstrosity, out of consideration for the New York press and the sharks in legal attire.

Every ceremony in West Berlin and in West Germany suppresses the fact that the Kristallnacht of 1938 is repeated daily by the Zionists in the occupied territories, in the refugee camps and in the Israeli prisons. The Jews expelled by fascism have themselves become fascists who, in collaboration with American capital, want to eradicate the Palestinian people.

Indeed, THE HOLOCAUST has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through their use, one of the strongest military powers in the world with a terrifying human rights record has put itself in the role of a victim state, and the most successful ethnic group in the United States has also achieved victim status. This seemingly captivating role of victim results in considerable dividends – especially the immunity to criticism, however justified.

So the Jew is a dead man to the living, a stranger to the natives, a vagabond for the natives, a beggar for the haves, an exploiter and millionaire for the poor, a patriot for the patriot, a competitor hated for all classes.

We are one people, one people. Everywhere we honestly tried to drown in the people community around us and only to keep the faith of our fathers. You don’t allow it. In vain are we loyal and in some places even exuberant patriots, in vain do we make the same sacrifices in goods and blood as our fellow citizens, in vain do we strive to increase the fame of our fatherlands in the arts and sciences, to increase their wealth through trade and commerce. In our fatherlands, where we have lived for centuries, we are shouted out as strangers; often by those whose families were not yet in the country when our fathers sighed. The majority can decide who the stranger is in the country; it is a question of power, like everything in international trade. I am not revealing anything of our obsessed good law when I say this as an individual who is already without a mandate. In the present state of the world and probably in the foreseeable future, power takes precedence over right. So, in vain, we are good patriots everywhere, like the Huguenots who were forced to migrate. If you leave us alone … But I think we will not be left alone.

What can we do other than resist? (…) It will not be easy to retaliate for their crimes against our people, because every step we take will meet with massive and arbitrary retribution. (…) But the fate of our people on this one is already certain. The sentence has been sealed with the blood of millions of helpless Jews. We can either die with them or try to avenge their deaths. Our vengeance will have to be rampant and merciless.

Once the Jews had emigrated, they could come into contact unhindered with their racial comrades from the rest of the world and do more damage to the deserted country than before. […] In addition, the Jews were getting closer to their goal of establishing a Jewish nation state” […]. I would like to allow myself to draw your attention to the fact that it would be very appropriate and more appropriate to prevent the Jews from emigrating from your country and to send them to where they are under strong control, e.g. to Poland. This avoids their danger and does a good, grateful deed towards the Arab people…

He who hung the earth in its place is hanged. / He who fastened the heavens is fastened to the cross. / He who fastened all things is fastened to the wood. / The Lord is reviled, God is murdered ./ King Israel was slain by Israelite hands.

They are the Lord’s murderers, slayers of the prophets, hateful rebels against God; they trample the law, resist grace, and disdain the beliefs of their fathers. They are extras of the devil, a race of snakes, traitors, darken in their brains, cursed, despicable, enemies of all that is beautiful.

We want to give Judaism the position in our public and state life which it accords according to God’s clearly and clearly revealed will. God scattered the Jews into captivity among all peoples as a punishment. It is therefore a sin for a Christian nation to abandon its most sacred public and state affairs to the prisoners of God and thereby to the cooperation of anti-Christian influences. As Christians we have the duty to grant the Jews protection and justice, to put them as fellow human beings before the civil law completely on an equal footing with us, but to exclude them in principle from our citizenship, not because they are Semites or Jews, but because they are non-Christians (Antichrists ) are.

A hundred refugees, another ferry / Because the Freemasons want to fuck us […] / Boy, I don’t talk crap because I was there / When these bombs break in the bazaar / As with the brothers in Baghdad and Gaza […] / And this bleeding one Heart, yes, it beats for / For my home and freedom of the people / But until then it means to keep fighting / Because the Freemasons want to fuck us

We cannot save the world. We have already tried twice to save the world and it went wrong. […] Globalists and socialists agree on one point: the contempt of ordinary people, their bourgeois life, their culture and their claim to want to determine their own lives.

The Zionists say they need their state because of the Holocaust. The truth is just the opposite. They needed the Holocaust for their state. […] The Torah teaches us to live devotedly and not to provoke. Had the Jews adhered to the Torah and its teachings during the Holocaust, the worst atrocities could have been prevented. Following the teachings of the Torah now means preventing a second Holocaust.

Anyone who criticizes Ariel Sharon is placed in the corner of anti-Semitism by certain people in Germany. I forbid that in the strongest sense. I fear that hardly anyone has attracted more popularity to the anti-Semites that exist in Germany, unfortunately who we have to fight, than Mr. Sharon and, in Germany, Mr. Friedman with his intolerant and hateful manner. Arrogant. It doesn’t work that way, you have to be able to criticize Israel’s politics in Germany without being pushed into that corner.

I am German and I do not want to accept that our beautiful Germany, our freedom and even our humanity goes to the dogs. And she will go to the dogs if we don’t drive this gang that holds the state in its claws and torments the people to the devil. When the government locks the people up. Then the people must lock up the government.

I do not want to kill or slaughter the Jews, nor do I want to drive them out of the country; I do not want to take anything from them, of what they once have, but I want to revise them, namely to revise funditus. False tolerance and sentimentality, painful weakness and fear should no longer prevent us Christians from taking action against the excesses, excesses and presumptions of Judaism. We can no longer tolerate the Jews everywhere pushing themselves to the fore, at the top, everywhere the leadership usurping the big word. They always push us Christians aside, they press us against the wall, they take our air and breath away. They actually rule over us […]. In the whole of world history there is no second example of a homeless people, a physically and psychologically decidedly degenerate race, ruling the world solely through cunning and cunning, through usury and bargaining.

There is no German trading town that does not have many honorable, respectable Jewish companies; but it is indisputable that Semitism has a large share in the lies and deceit, in the cheeky greed of the founding malevolence, a grave complicity in that disgraceful materialism of our day, which regards every work only as business and stifles the old, leisurely enthusiasm for work of our people threatens; In thousands of German villages sits the Jew who sprawls out his neighbors.

One must not forget that anti-Semitism is particularly strongly represented in Muslim cultures.

All the mankind knows and admits that two peoples, two races are singular among all the others: the Greeks and the Jews. They stand out by their religiosity and their mentality. That’s why the second are fighting against us, they loath us. An atheist spurns all the religions. The Jews spurn Hellenism, who is identified with Orthodoxy. Because the two of them [Hellenism and Ortjodoxy] have an extraordinary power, when they go hand in hand”.

We have been recently witnessing a terrific growth of the Jewish population of our town, mainly due to the daily arrival and settlement here of many new families coming from various places. If this current of settlement here goes on for some time, Kavalla will acquire within a few years the appearance of an entirely Jewish town and will be transformed into a second Salonica. This settlement is unfortunately considerably facilitated by the three big Jewish factories that exist in our town, owned by Allatini, Vix and Eskenazy, who are gradually substituting little by little their current Greek workers with Jew ones. If your Excellency agrees that we take various serious measures against the Jews, in cooperation with the [local Greek Orthodox] Community, and wage a systematic underground economic war against them, we can probably check a little bit this current and curb their settlement here that is growing day by day”.

„Following the dethronement of the Sultan Abdul Hamid II, as known for all, the Ottoman administration was taken over by the statesmen controlled by the Jewish League Zion and known as Committee for Union and Progress. The same Union and Progress organized its huge congress in Salonica with all of its parliamentarians on an October day of 1325 (1909) – whose exact date I cannot remember anymore. In a secret meeting, a smaller commission consisting of leading persons and chairmen answered the question of “How will be Turkey ruled?” which was posed by the Zionist League and its sub-organization East Jews Masonic Lodge with the following resolution listed as four points:

1-   The influence and power of the religion in Turkey will be ruptured,

2-   The financial resources of the country will be distributed among brothers,

3-   Caliphate will be disassociated from the sultanate and thus weakened,

4-   The republic will be declared and the dynasty eradicated at the earliest possible date.”

„The Gezi events were a project just like the leading person of CHP. It’s a project of treason to fetter Turkey, to obstruct the holy march of our nation. Historians will write how we tore the shroud which was planned for our nation thanks to our unity and fraternity. That person who praised the Gezi events, who glorified the vandals of Gezi, who raised insane accusations against us and who again was the investor of Gezi terrorists is now in jail. The well-known Hungarian Jew Soros has backed him. That man has so much money and has simply instructed some people to divide nations. In the same way, his henchman in Turkey is rich from his father and the one who supports terror – regardless of which type – by any means in order to divide this nation. He is now imprisoned. Why should our justice take someone innocent?”

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