Searching, I discovered something I didn’t expect. Something decades of determined assimilation could not blind me to. In this great gay mecca, I was an invisible man. I had no shadow, no substance, no place, no history, no reflection. I was an alien unseen, and seen unwanted. Here as in Hephzibah, I was a n***, still.

Most important of all (…) it is necessary to make some estimate of the number of people killed and injured so as to extract the millions who were taken alive and sound. The resultant figure would be many times the millions landed alive outside of Africa, and it is that figure which represents the number of Africans directly removed from the population and labour force of Africa because of the establishment of slave production by Europeans.

The Devel was in the English-man, that he makes every thing work; he makes the Negro work, the Horse work, the Ass work, the Wood work, the Water work, and the Winde work.

“The doctor immediately recognized that the man was suffering from terminal syphilis. He prescribed him penicillin – and got into terrible trouble with the disease control authorities. He was accused of treating someone who was not allowed to be treated. No wonder, he knew nothing about the study.”

All powers that exercise sovereign rights or influence in the areas in question undertake to supervise the preservation of the native population and the improvement of their moral and material living conditions, and to cooperate in the suppression of slavery and in particular the N**** trade; without distinction of nationality or cult, they will protect and favour all (…) institutions and undertakings which (…) aim to educate the natives and render intelligible and worthy to them the advantages of civilisation.

I speak on behalf of the millions of human beings (..) who are reduced to only glimpsing in life a reflection of the lives of the affluent. I speak on behalf of women the world over, who suffer from a male-imposed system of exploitation. … Women who struggle and who proclaim with us that the slave who is not able to take charge of his own revolt deserves no pity for his lot. This harbours illusions in the dubious generosity of a master pretending to set him free. Freedom can be won only through struggle, and we call on all our sisters of all races to go on the offensive to conquer their rights.

If you have come here to help me, you are wasting your time. But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.

I will die, but I will return and I will be millions.

Witbooi to Leutwein: (…) The fact that I do not want to be subordinate to the German Emperor is not a sin, guilt or dishonour that justifies you imposing the death penalty on me. I beg you again, dear friend, (…) do not attack me and leave me in peace. Leutwein to Witbooi: The fact that you don’t want to submit to the German Reich is neither a sin nor a fault, but it is dangerous for the existence of the German protectorate. So (…) all further letters in which you do not offer me your submission are useless.

The international Jewish banker, who has no fatherland, but plays all countries off against each other, and the international Jewish proletariat, who wanders from country to country to seek economic conditions that are convenient for them, are to be found behind all the problems that the world faces today worry. The immigration issue is Jewish. Likewise the question of money. The same goes for the confusions of world politics. The terms of the peace treaty are Jewish. It is the question of morality in cinemas and on stage.

We have been recently witnessing a terrific growth of the Jewish population of our town, mainly due to the daily arrival and settlement here of many new families coming from various places. If this current of settlement here goes on for some time, Kavalla will acquire within a few years the appearance of an entirely Jewish town and will be transformed into a second Salonica. This settlement is unfortunately considerably facilitated by the three big Jewish factories that exist in our town, owned by Allatini, Vix and Eskenazy, who are gradually substituting little by little their current Greek workers with Jew ones. If your Excellency agrees that we take various serious measures against the Jews, in cooperation with the [local Greek Orthodox] Community, and wage a systematic underground economic war against them, we can probably check a little bit this current and curb their settlement here that is growing day by day”.

To protest in the name of morality against “excesses” or “abuses” is an error which hints at active complicity. There are no “abuses” or “excesses” here, simply an all-pervasive system.

The German Reich must strive to acquire colonies. In the realm itself there is too little space for the large population. It is precisely the somewhat daring, strongly advancing elements that could not be active in the country themselves, but find a field for their activity in the colonies, that are constantly being lost to us. We need more space for our people, and therefore, we must have colonies.

For months, German media commented extensively on developments and events relating to the refugee issue. Most of these commentators were white journalists, politicians, migration researchers, or volunteers. The voices of refugees always sounded more of a marginal note. In the rare cases in which they were allowed to have their say, they were only given a few lines or, at best, seconds. In narratives about them, refugees serve primarily to affirm majority society’s consensus about them. They are not narrators, but objects in the story which is being told.

All of the Indians, generally speaking, have such a horror and fear of hospitals, that it is not possible to persuade them to go to them to be healed, because they respond that they will die.

Death is a master from Germany, his eye is blue he hits you with a leaden bullet he hits you exactly a man lives in the house of your golden hair Margarete he incites his males on us he gives us a grave in the air he plays with the snakes and dreams of death is a master Germany your golden hair Margarete your ashen hair Sulamith

One digs into the earth in the hunt for wealth (…). We penetrate her bowels and look for treasures at the seat of the shadows, as if she were not sufficiently benevolent and fertile where one can walk on her (…).

One suspects that this disgrace is directed against the capital and Germany, which is newly formed in Berlin. However, no matter how much the muscles swell, one will not dare to keep the center of Berlin free from such a monstrosity, out of consideration for the New York press and the sharks in legal attire.

The bourgeois reformers who wanted to carry out their social reforms to banish the revolution, but not at the expense of holy profit, their primary programme, had to look for another economic basis for the reforms. They found it outside their homeland, in the exploitation of colonised and semi-colonised peoples, whose ruthless, inhumane plunder and servitude brought in abnormal profits, out of which the capitalists paid the crumbs of union concessions and social reforms.

Anyone who moves about without work or a job, without being able to prove that he has the means to support himself or is looking for an opportunity to do so, must be imprisoned for at least six weeks or made to do forced labour for up to six months. After the punishment is over, foreigners are to be expelled from the country and nationals to be taken to a corrections facility.

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